Ordinary differential equation exercises
Exercises of differential equations 1:
We consider the differential equation
1-Prove that the function F defined is on ℝ by
Represent a solution to the differential equation
2-We consider the differential equation (E');y'+y=0
Solve the differential equation (E') on ℝ
3-Let the function G defined and derivable on ℝ.
a) Prove that the function G is a solution to the differential equation (E) If and only if function G-F is a solution to the differential equation (E').
b) conclude all differential equation solutions.
4-Determine the special solution K of the differential equation (E) where K(0)=2
Differential equations exercise 2:
Let the differential equation be defined on ℝ by phrase:
Differential equations exercise 3:
Let us be the following two differential equations:
(E): y'-2y-1=0
Answer true or false with the reasoning:
1- The differential equation (E) accepts a polynomial function as a solution.
2- Let it be a positive function g defined on ℝ, If g is a solution to the differential equation (E) then g is increasing on ℝ.
3- The function h defined on ℝ is a solution to the differential equation (E), where:
Exercises of differential equations 4:
Let the following differential equation :
(E): 3y'+2y=0
2- If it was f(-3)=√e Then the differential equation (E) accepts a single-scaled solution as follows.